• So many people are unhappy and miserable because of what they choose to focus on and look for in their lives. If the law of attraction says you can bring anything you want towards you, why would you bring negativity, pain, and suffering into your life. Let’s focus this week and figuring out what we are inviting and consciously making an effort to bring more positivity, love, joy and connection into our lives.

      ❤️‍🩹 You may believe you are deserving of low levels of trust and respect and conditional love, because this was what you received in your childhood.

      ❤️‍🩹 This is your emotional pattern that is unconsciously influencing your daily choices in your relationships and your career.

      ❤️‍🩹 In order for you to make the changes that serve you, that bring you m are truly deserving of, you need to examine these pattern, unlearn them and learn healthier ones.

      Love always 🖤

      Shenaaz Moos – Happy Confident Me


      #mondaymantra #qotd #instaquote #bekindtoyourself #lawofattraction #youareenough #youareworthy #therapist #shenaazmoos #happyconfidentme #consciousliving #inspirationalquotes

      Vusi Nyanda, feePerks Admin and Melanie Van Der Byl